08 July 2009

Good Morning

We are 2 friends that are deeply inspired by our families, our breath taking surroundings and the beauty of life.

Sarah is born and raised in Montana..."a native"
Camilla is born in Switzerland and raised in Norway "a Norwegian"

Our paths cross somewhere in "the middle" ...we ended up living across the road from each other.

The idea of this blog came to fruition when Camilla borrowed a beautiful book 3191 "a year of mornings" from the library last winter, she was so moved by the quiet and mindful images that graced the pages, she bought the book and asked her friend Sarah if she wanted to collaborate on a similar project.
Needless to say it was one big YES!

This is blog is about our lives on either side of the road...
We will post every Thursday a diptych of our morning in progress for 52 weeks.
The images will not be posed ...just shot as they unfold naturally.

Sarah's image will always be on the left and her comment will be first under the image.
Camilla's image will always be on the right and her comment will be underneath Sarah's.

WARNING: we have children...there might be tantrums, tears of sadness tears of joy so brace your self for this real and unscripted journey of our simple life here in the mountains of Montana.....we hope you enjoy.


Anonymous said...

i like the "habit" blog too. same type of concept but with limited words.

Hilary said...

i love this. the photos are great and what a nice way to capture it all and be able to look back on your life. i look forward to future posts!!

youcancallmejane said...

Wow and wow. I love all three blogs . . . great work girls.

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing project/idea and I am hoping an amazing friendship.

Kim Klassen said...

this is an amazing idea... gosh i love your blogs....

xxo, kim

Sherry O'Keefe said...

one leads to another, and sometimes there is no leading but rather a joining. i like the leaps i make when i look at your work and read your words.

just south of you,

