01 October 2009

Sarah: circles of color
Camilla: circles going up!


Wren said...

I thought those were bicycles on the lift. You've got me wondering about the story behind it..

Walk up and ride down??

Really kinda funny.. Not something I've ever seen!


Magnolia Handspun said...

They are bicycles on the ski lift.

During the summer season they take their bikes up and bike on all the trails on Big Mountain...and of course you get one heck of a "weehoooo" down hill.

Farmama said...

And judging by that snow dusted mountain.....i can imagine the lift won't be taking bikers up anymore! Beautiful photos ladies!
Love, Sara

Anne Marie said...

Hei igjen Camilla! Ville bare stikke innom for å svare på spørsmålet ditt: Jeg er norsk og bor i Norge :-) Ønsker dere en god helg!

t does wool said...

round and round the beauty goes...;)

June said...

You've got me spinning with delight. (You always do.)

gardenmama said...

what a gorgeous project!
so happy to have found your blog!